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Resources & Translations for Classical Socionics

Model of Information Metabolism

Photo Credit: MD Molla (Pexels)

by Aušra Augustinavičiūtė | Source (Mirror) | Symbols for IMEs
Machine Translation Revised by Augusta Project

The scientific and technological revolution is a combination of two trends: the construction of qualitatively new enterprises of production and a qualitatively new approach to the use of labor resources. This situation brings about a new significance to the problem of psychological typologies.

I’ll draw some attention to a typology that was created by Carl Jung and which I slightly improved using the Theory of Information Metabolism of Antoni Kępiński. It makes it possible to look at each individual as a carrier of a particular function in society, which is conditioned by their type of personality or intellect. The type of intellect determines how an individual perceives information from the external world and how this information undergoes a process of selection. This determines the ability to pay attention to one or another aspect of external life: the interests and aspirations of the individual, the direction of their behavior, and their relationship with other people.

A necessary condition for the functioning of any organism is a two-fold connection to the surrounding world. On the one hand, this is the inclusion in the process of energy metabolism, that is, in the chemical exchange of substances with the environment. On the other hand, through the process of information metabolism, inclusion in the totality of electromagnetic phenomena. According to Kępiński, external informational signals, which the psyche receives, are likened to food, which the organism receives for the process of energy metabolism, i.e. just as food is necessary for the EM of the organism, so are informational signals necessary for the IM of the psyche.

The formation of energy impulses in a system conditions the way they’re transmitted and received. In other words, the process of information metabolism in the organism begins with the formation of small sparks of energy. In order for the brain to function as a vehicle of information metabolism, it must be constantly provided with signals received both from outside of and inside of the organism itself. If the flow of these signals or information stops for some time, the psyche begins to disintegrate.

Each system, according to our theory of information, only accepts information that is adequate for it. In other words, it only accepts the signals that it can produce. Some of these signals are perceived more consciously. But the system also gives out these signals more consciously. For example, a person who does not notice the tone of their own speech does not pay attention to the tone of other people.

Each system must group and systematize signals received from the outside. The first group of signals includes all dynamic and moving processes. With each conscious and unconscious movement, a person informs others not only about what they are currently doing, but also, to some extent, what they will do in the future. Another part of these signals are signals about people’s moods and emotional states. These two groups of signals are signals about dynamics: external and internal.

Information about static phenomena also has two aspects. Every organism is first of all an object that tries to avoid colliding with other objects that are dangerous to it. Therefore, it must receive and give out information about its external qualities. At the same time, it feels the need to understand its own structure and the structures of other objects, and thus to understand its potentialities – from itself and those of others. These signals are also transmitted, for example, through the color of one’s face, and its expressivity.

So, we can say that a human being, as well as every living being, has four functions – four abilities of adaptation to the external world. These are, as it were, four groups of human capabilities, which from here on out we will call extraverted and denote by the following symbols: Te, , , . We will conditionally call the ability to collect information about external processes logic – Te, the ability to collect information about internal processes which take place in a person’s inner world – ethics – , the ability to have precise information about the form and appearance of surrounding objects – sensorics – , and the ability to understand structures and potential abilities – intuition – .

Each type of information is processed in one of two ways: information about objects () and their structure () is contextualized through the background of distances between them – (introverted logic) and the background of their mutual attraction to each other – (introverted ethics). Information about processes is contextualized through the background of time – (introverted intuition) and contextualized through the background of inner sensations – (introverted sensorics). So, there are four spatial abilities or skills of the psyche: perception of distances – , perception of attraction and repulsion – , perception of time – , and the perception of well-being in space – .

It is possible to make the following table:

Symbols of Individual Aspects of Perception

Extraverted (Black)Introverted (White)
Properties of ObjectsProperties of Space
Action, motion: TeDistance:
Excitement, urge to action: Attraction:
Form: State:
Structure: Time:

These abilities are inherent in all living things. Humans are distinguished by the fact that they have not one, but sixteen types of personality. Therefore, only some of these elements of perception occupy a special position in the psyche of individuals with different personality types. Two of them dominate, creating the so-called Ego. This is confirmed when we, studying people, see the different ways they think, and how many different variations of thinking exist for solving the same problem.

If we consider the question from an abstract, theoretical angle, then during the functioning of the brain, there is movement in charged energy. The two rings of information metabolism (IM) are formed, there are diagrams attached at the end of the article.

One of these rings – Static – perceives and processes information about the shape of objects, their structure, their attraction to other objects, and the distance between them. At the same time, it perceives information both about the objects of the external world and oneself as an object. This is the starting point of analytical thinking.

The second ring accepts Dynamic information, that is, information about internal movement in the object (including emotions) and changes in the position in space. Contextualized through the background, as previously mentioned, of well-being and time. This is the starting point of synthetic thinking.

One of these rings (the top one in the figure) is more active, and the other is more passive.* Therefore, the thinking of some types of IM is predominantly analytical, while others are synthetic. It is interesting that people with Static-Analytical thinking always know what goal they are trying to achieve, while people with Dynamic-Synthetic thinking are selective about the means of achieving their goals.

* Translator’s note: The Active Ring – Mental Ring, Passive Ring – Vital Ring

One element of the active and one element of the passive ring fulfills the role of the first in the chain of information metabolism. When the first element of the active, upper ring is introverted, this means it’s an introverted psyche inclined to some dissociation with the external world. When the first element of the active, upper ring is extraverted, this person’s psyche would be extraverted and obviously addressed to the external, but not the internal world. The first elements in both rings are always paired elements, for example, and , Te and , etc.

Based on the fact that energy impulse can have one of two directions, and both rings can be active, it becomes clear why there are sixteen personality types: 4 x 2 x 2 = 16.

The Active Ring receives information directly from nature or other surroundings. Including one’s social environment. One is very independent here. If a person receives orders and instructions, they check if they conform to the situation in the real world. The Ego block is in this ring. As for the Ego block, we should mention that the individual, based on the information they process, is inclined only to lead, not to obey.

The activity of the Passive Ring in society is limited to a kind of auxiliary role. Information here is mostly about the individual itself and its activity. If the Active Ring has the Ego and Super-Ego blocks, that is – the social personality and conscience of the individual, then in the Passive Ring the Super-Id has anti-conscience – when a person makes accusations toward others for their insufficient well-being. The Id is a block of not very conscious or insufficiently conscious individual activity. This ring tends to listen to any directive information. If it lacks external activity (activation), it tends to lack physical activity. This causes psychosomatic disorders.

So, integral intelligence is formed by people with sixteen types of thinking. These are sixteen different and at the same time equal parts of the social intelligence of society. We can say that a unit of integral human intelligence is only the sixteen personality types taken together.

The function of an individual in society is determined by their type and amount of intelligence.

We can discuss the social function of each personality type’s role. First of all, about the fact that some types fulfill the role of theorists, others as business people, a third group as poetic, being only truly inclined to poetry, and the fourth group is inclined toward a forceful way of life. Some types have abstract thinking, others have concrete thinking.

Everyone needs to feel that they are contributing to their environment that is appropriate to their level of intelligence and personality type. In my opinion, it is easier for a person to tolerate the underrealization of their intelligence than the underrealization of their personality type.

Note from Translating*: It is now known, for example, that executive work worsens the psychosomatic well-being of an introthyme and improves it for an extrathyme. The introvert tends to work where they can show their personal skills and virtues rather than their leadership skills. All extraverted personality types are inclined to display their leadership skills with more or less success. Both types of intuitive & logical extraverts are best suited for leading research institutes. Industrial and agricultural enterprises, especially large ones, and also various economic positions in the state, as well as in the government, can be led by both sensory & logical extrathyme. For the leadership of socio-cultural institutions, up to the Red Cross and “Knowledge Societies”, both ethical & sensory extrathymes are adept. And for the leadership of organizations with theatrical types, the ethical & intuitive extrathymes are fit.
Below we give some models of individual personality types:

* Translator’s note: A note from when Augusta translated this from Lithuanian to Russian, not a note from the English translation.

In addition, there are also these personality types:

5. Sensoric-Logical Extrathyme11. Sensoric-Logical Introthyme
6. Logical-Sensoric Extrathyme12. Logical-Sensoric Introthyme
7. Sensoric-Ethical Extrathyme13. Sensoric-Ethical Introthyme
8. Ethical-Sensoric Extrathyme14. Ethical-Sensoric Introthyme
9. Intuitive-Ethical Extrathyme15. Intuitive-Ethical Introthyme
10. Ethical-Intuitive Extrathyme16. Ethical-Intuitive Introthyme

*Editor’s note: The article was published on April 1980 in the magazine “Мокслас ир техника” in Lithuanian. The article, with some abbreviations, was translated into Russian by Augusta in the beginning of 1988.

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