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Another Argument in Favor of the Fact that Each Person Uses All Forms of Thinking

Photo Credit: Julia M Cameron (Pexels)

by Aušra Augustinavičiūtė | Source | Symbols for IMEs
Machine Translation Revised by Augusta Project with small assistance by Sophia from Classic Socionics

The main semantic difference (which I know as of today) between separate types of thinking (which we call differently) is the division of the what’s conjugated and inflected between “rehabilitative” pairs. Strategic types only communicate from the point of view of the past & future, whereas Tactical types communicate from the present. What is a rehabilitation pair? This is, for example, + Te or + . Previously, I called these the “redemption” relationships, because I saw redemption play out. But this turned out to be a mistake, because I compared people from different nationalities and socioeconomic classes, or people with differing levels of intelligence. Under these conditions, the smaller intellect passionately attacked the larger one, which seemed to lead to redemption.

What is a rehabilitation couple? What is its essence? Let’s consider this for the parallel models for the LSE (Te) and the LSI ().



Models consist of extraverted and introverted half-phases. What does that mean? First of all, you need to remember that these are certain kinds of reflective structures of the psyche. And they reflect a part of the external world. What do the extraverted half-phases reflect? External material substance (external to the psyche). What do introverted half-phases reflect? The emptiness, or space between these phenomena. The psyche takes both the external material and the relationships between the individual manifestations of this material into account, because a living being is forced to take both of these facts into account.

Model A consists of Kinetic (external) and Potential (middle) blocks. For the purpose of our article, it’s sufficient to just describe the kinetic ones. Kinetic blocks produce new information and new material facts. As for the potential ones… What is the block in the A-Model of the LSE? If a person has managed to bring the thinking of this block to the kinetic realm, then this simply means that they are able to argue about negative emotions, like all EIEs (). For the emotionally modest LSE we are used to, this thinking is only in the Super-Ego block, that is, in the potential realm: every loud word torments their conscience.

And what is the Super-Id in the LSE’s A-Model? This is the kinetic thinking of the EII’s Ego ().

Note: Not all of Fyodor Dostoevsky‘s* novels are written from thinking. In Demons, is accompanied by the ESI’s thinking, , for whom the concept of forgiveness is alien to them and believes that if a person once foolishly made a promise, then they will certainly fulfill their oath. I hope that future semantic research will confirm my assumptions. In my opinion, there is no other method than the semantic one for checking what type of intellect a person works or writes from. 

*Translator’s note: Dostoevsky is the nickname of EII, so the instance of EII from the previous paragraph was lit. Dostoevsky in Russian.

So, we will reduce Model A to parallel kinetics. What does parallel mean? When all blocks have their Yin end on the left and Yang on the right: 


The material aspect is only hidden behind the half-phases, which means we’ll need to discuss them.

The LSE has Mental Te. What is it? A person’s society-oriented logic. The LSI has Vital Te. What is it? Physical motion. It reflects bodily movements as well as all other kinds of mechanical ones.

Note: Therefore, the thinking of the LSE (Te), divorced from the thinking of the LSI, can rule a nation, but cannot know how to handle an ax with their hands. The thinking of the LSI (), if divorced from the thinking of the LSE, is unable to rule a nation, which was perfectly illustrated in the Soviet era by many state officials, starting with Joseph Stalin.

So now – why are these two ways of thinking most effective when fused together, i.e. when they’re in the same scope?

Let’s think about what gives rise to introverted half-phases. These are relationships that the psyche perceives as a feeling. For example, there are if two forms of Extraverted Sensation (, ), then the feelings they reflect in each other should be represented through Introverted Sensation (, ).

The LSE has introverted sensation in the Ego. It was not logic that gave rise to it in their brain, but sensorics. What sensorics? Only the sensory () that is in the Ego of the LSI’s A-Model. Because the extraverted sensation of the LSI is able to control the world of objects, and there is as much introverted logic as their own understanding of what people are doing in the world – from their inner LSE; they are able to violate people, but not control them. 

What did I want to prove? There is only one thing that we have slipped through our fingers so far: the mentality of one ring of Model A and the vitality of the other ring is relative – the relationships in the Mental Ring are vital, and in those in the Vital Ring are mental. 

What divides how extinguishment pairs communicate?

The psyche resembles a generator, which consists of two rotors, which in Theory of Intertype Relationships are called the Rings of Social Progress. Based on Vedic teaching, these are designated by the symbols of two fire signs. There are two blockings in each rotor: one is schizothymic, and the other is cyclothymic. Each block has two dyads. 

However… Dualization is not what we used to think. We used to say: it’s two people. With deeper research, it turned out that two people can only dualize if they have dual thinking. Pre-human thinking was herd thinking (I will later prove that it consisted of eight spheres). It was reactive. The individual did not think or realize things, they just reacted. From each form of thinking separately. It cannot be said that people today are completely freed from reactive behavior. That is why only those who can react to reactive behavior (most often unbridled) with sharp, conscious behavior feel bold in society. 

Thinking does not begin with one A-Model, but with two dual ones. The appearance of dual thinking (I’ll later prove that it develops from the eighth to the sixteenth sphere) is where a human appears as a thinking being.

Strategic Thinking:

, , Te, Te

, , ,

Strategic thinking seeks the objective part of any object. Maybe because we borrowed our structure from prehuman history and it seems to be independent of us, as if it’s lurking underneath our skin. However, the dynamics that these types create are subjective. 

I am introducing these ideas into Socionics for the first time, and for sure these will be met with misunderstanding at first – why is this? However, we can prove that each form of thinking (type) consists of objective and subjective principles: where Static thinking is objective (like a noun), then the verb is subjective – adapting the psyche to the objective. When the verb is objective, the Static thinking is subjective, that is, the psyche adapts to external objective processes and, adapting to them, somehow subjugates its personality to it. This is how all tactical thinking behaves:

Tactical Thinking:

Te, Te, ,

, , ,

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